Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Natural History - Science - Medicine

ANATOMICAL ATLASES -- ALBINUS, B.S. Tabulae sceleti et musculorum corporis humani. Leyden, J. & H. Verbeek, 1747/1753. 2 vols. (48) lvs., engr. title-vign., 3 engr. text-lvs. (title-p., dedication and introduction) and 117 plates by J. Wandelaar (incl. 47 key leaves). Lge-fol. Cont. hcf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt backs & red labels, uncut. (Spine ends sl. dam., corners bumped, plate-vol. completely loose (as issued!) & spine loosely added, some lvs. a bit dustsoiled/foxing, but else a clean, complete and uncut set).

Three plates with skeletons (each w. accomp. key leaf); 25 plates to the Musculorum section (9 plates w. accomp. key leaf); 34 plates to the Ossium humanorum section (each w. accomp. key leaf); 7 plates to Uteri mulieris gravidae (1 plate w. accomp. key leaf); 1 plate "Tabula vasis chyliferi (...)" (w. the accomp. textleaf). - "Albinus's Tabulae selecti et musculorum, based on his concept of the "ideal man" (homo perfectus), is among the most artistically perfect of anatomical atlases. Albinus and his artist Jan Wandelaar used some ingenious methods to prepare the illustrations (...) with the aid of compass and ruler. In addition Wandelaar placed his skeletons and musclemen against lush ornamental backgrounds to give them the illusion of vitality, using contrasts of light and mass to produce a three-dimensional effect. The most famous plate in the atlas depicts a skeletal figure standing in front of an enormous grazing rhinoceros, sketched by Wandelaar from the first living specimen in Europe, which had arrived at the Amsterdam zoo in 1741." (Norman Library 29). - Wellcome II, p. 26; G-M 399 (first ed.); Choulant-Frank p. 276-283.

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